django-entity-event-slack Documentation ======================================= Django Entity Event Slack provides a pushable Slack medium for `Django-Entity-Event`_. .. _`Django-Entity-Event`: Setup ----- To setup the Slack medium, you must create a Slack medium and associated it with the Slack API token and channel you want to post to. .. code:: python from entity_event_slack.models import SlackMedium slack_medium = SlackMedium.objects.create_slack_medium( channel='#my-slack-channel', api_token='my-slack-api-token') In order for rendering to be performed correctly, context renderers with the appropriate style must be set up in accordance with the documentation of Django Entity Event. Assuming that your rendering style is set up, associated it with the slack medium. .. code:: python from entity_event.models import RenderingStyle style = RenderingStyle.objects.get(name='my_slack_style') slack_medium.rendering_style = style Once this is done, subscriptions can be made for sources to the slack medium .. code:: python # Subscribe sources to the slack medium from entity_event.models import Source, Subscription my_source = Source.objects.get(name='my_source') Subscription.objects.create(medium=m, source=my_source) A Celery task is provided with Django Entity Event Slack. It is called ``SendUnseenSlackNotificationsTask`` and can be configured to run at whatever interval you wish. When this is configured, you will start receiving Slack notifications.